WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide Review

WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide
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WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide ReviewWordPress MU, especially with the BuddyPress set of plug-ins, is a powerful and flexible framework that power a company blog or social networking site. WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide overall is a good introduction to these tools, and even for an experienced WordPress person I found some useful tips and valuable additions to my WordPress `tool belt'. But the book is also not without its flaws.
Where the author gets technical, with step-by-step instructions, it suffers. In part because plug-ins or features describes are not quite correct, or things have changed. In part because the focus on the technical is at the expense of an overall viewpoint -- classic forest vs. trees types of views. For instance in the second chapter she details how to get your WordPress MU installation set up in a locally run web server utilizing WAMP server. But most local web servers installed on a personal computer don't play well with the subdomain-style blog naming she recommends. To her defense if you follow her instructions to the letter it works as she describes, but if you choose to add blogs or alter the names she uses you'll get lost fast.
The chapters that really shine are later in the book, where she gives an overview of a subject -- security, increasing traffic, making it 'sticky', and monetizing it -- walks through the issue, and then provides a couple of sample methods or plug-ins. If this book is truly for the beginner, this type of overview with not just hows, but whys, is really what is needed. A real beginner needs to understand how to plan and use the site -- technical details such as editing their .htaccess file seems like more than they need to know. That kind of stuff can easily be found on-line - or maybe on wiki tied to the book that allows reader contributions and supplemental material.
I am happy I read the book, and it will be a valued resource on my bookshelf. If you have been running your own WordPress site, or are an experienced web developer looking to explorer the many exciting possibilities that WordPress MU/BuddyPress has to offer, this is a good resource to start with. If you are really a beginner, you might want to start smaller, or find an experienced friend to help you get started.WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide OverviewPacked with easy-to-follow examples and screenshots, this book is designed to be followed from beginning to end, although those with existing WordPress MU sites will be able to jump in at the later chapters and pick out the things that are important to them. The author's expertise with creating a wide variety of WordPress sites enables her to share insights on using WordPress effectively, in a clear and friendly way. Those interested in digging further will be given the chance to customize their site further. Throughout the book, you will build up a blog network for Vampire Slayers - SlayerCafe.com, as an example. If you wish to manage multiple blogs and build a blog network, then this book is for you. You are not expected to be experienced with PHP coding. Some knowledge of HTML, and some experience with the blogging and social networking world will be helpful, but not essential.

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